Monday 27 April 2015

Day 60 - So Many Deadlines, so Much Negativity

I am nearly burned out.
These past few weeks have been particularly hard for me. I haven't had a proper 'weekend break' since the start of April when I was at home. It seems like every single deadline for assignments and exams have been happening to me all of a sudden. To be perfectly honest I am not coping well.

I have an exam and a Japanese presentation tomorrow. The presentation I am quite prepared for, however I don't think I will be able to remember what it is that I have to say. We are allowed to use cue cards but reading straight from them will mean that we are capped at 40%. The exam that I have is an English grammar test, easy right? You would think so, but I am very doubtful.

On Wednesday I have a mock interview for which I have to prepare a 600 word summary of a particular material I used in one of my past lessons and have adapted. I am currently having a mini freak out because I don't think I even have anything that fits the criteria. Without the material...I wont be able to get my teaching qualification this year.

On Thursday I am travelling home to Cambridge to go to the doctor. For that reason all of the deadlines that are at the end of the week have now been pushed forward to Wednesday. A Chinese portfolio task I have to complete that would be in on Thursday evening, and a Chinese speaking exam that would also be done then both must be submitted/done on Wednesday.
A 1500 word assignment (+lesson plans, feedback, materials etc) that should be handed in on Friday must be handed in on Wednesday at the latest.

I am slowly losing all motivation and wanting to lock myself in my room and ride the storm out alone.

But every now and then I find myself looking at pictures of Pandas

And my husband (Haruma)~ Just knowing that these two perfect things exist is enough to remind me that there is more in the world than my university stress.

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