Friday, 13 December 2013

Things I Have Learnt In My First Term At University

Today is the last day before the Christmas holidays and I'm currently waiting to be picked up by my mummy so I made this list! Ohh so very list!
  1. I do want to become an English teacher.
    I've enjoyed the first semester so much I am so glad I decided to take a TESOL course.
  2. Teaching presentations aren't as terrifying as originally thought.
    So much satisfaction when you do a presentation and everyone is actively participating and the feedback is positive!
  3. All the cute guys seem to have girlfriends
    Did they come here with girlfriends?! Or did they manage to find them within the first few weeks?! Where was I when the girlfriend choosing ceremony was taking place??
  4. I'm at the point in my life where I dont want a boyfriend....I deserve one.
    I do....honestly.
  5. Japanese is both easy and difficult.
    I don't even know.
  6. Living with 4 boys is easier if you have brothers.I don't care about the noise and the occasional messy kitchen as long as they shut up at some point and clean up when they've done.
  7. I listen to too much Chinese music
    Now people think I can speak fluent Chinese...which is a compliment (along with my favourite "are you Chinese?" But because they think I'm Chinese I can translate the foreign posters for short: I can't
  8. I feel super guilty when I miss a lecture.
    ecause of that I've only missed one!
  9. I can only eat a bowl of cereal and a sandwich a day.And i still's all about timing... (tell me this 6 months ago I would have laughed in your face)
  10. No matter how nice you are people will still talk shit about you.Imagine hanging out with someone who you thought was your friend when in actual fact they don't like you and they are talking about you. It makes you question yourself. Am I annoying? Do I behave in a way that makes people not want to hang out with me? What have I done to cause this person to do this to me?
    After spending the majority feeling like a valued member of a friendship...then moving to university and placing your trust in someone else only to find out that this person doesn't even like you it the most heart breaking thing I have ever had to experience and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
  11. Sometimes the only thing that can get you through the day is knowing that when you get home you can go to sleep and for a few hours forget everything.