Tuesday, 6 September 2016

No Title


At  the risk of being really negative... the best part of my life is over. I've returned home after spending a year in Japan and while I am incredibly happy to be with my family again,  I'm really saddened by the fact that soon I will have to go back to university.

I will be in my final year; I'll have exams, reports, assignments, my dissertation to write, I'll have to start teaching again and I'm terrified I forgot how to. I'll be starting everything again. After spending a year in an amazing country, meeting so many wonderful people and seeing them everyday...returning to my mundane university life in England will suck...really suck.

I never really documented online my life in Japan, but it really was one of the best experiences in my life. I was so busy meeting new people and being sociable while at the same time struggling to understand what my teachers were saying to me during the classes that I never for even a second thought about what I would do when the year abroad was over.

Truthfully, I had thought about dropping out of university after an incident that happened in March 2015 that really affected my relationship with the staff in my department. But I've spent 3 years of my life working towards a degree in Teaching English and I have only one more year to go, I know I can do it.

But I worry.

I worry so much.

Sorry if my post wasn't upbeat, but honestly these days I'm not feeling too great. I miss my friends in Japan and I miss my life there. I guess the only thing I can do is try to remain positive and try to focus all my energy on getting my degree.

As always, thank you so much for your support on here and on [InsertNameHere], it really means a lot to me when you guys email me (or comment). So thank you

Rena x

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