Sunday 26 April 2020

Take The Slice has moved!

Most people know me from my main blog [Insert Name Here] where I used to post summaries of BL films and other content. 
Well, if you do then you've probably already seen my "goodbye" post.

Basically I'm moving to Wordpress, I'm in the process of reworking my [InsertNameHere] blog to be a solid blog

I'll be editing and removing anything that could be considered to be copyright, I wont be writing anything new (for the foreseeable future) but if you want to read my old film summaries then please head over there.

Thank you everyone and even though I no longer write BL summary content I really appreciate the many years of support you have shown me.

In regards to my person blog Take The Slice, I'm also on wordpress!

If you're interested in finding out more about me, my life and my work then please, find me there!

I hope to see you all over there!


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