Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Day 48 - Plan a Lesson with Me

I dont actually know what I'm doing! This could be a train wreck!

Step 1
See what topic you have to teach. If you are teaching from a textbook, cry because the section you have to teach from is the smallest possible section of the entire book and the grammar point you have to teach is not in ANY FORM OF CONTEXT. (not bitter at all)
I like to draw my lesson plan in a kinda time line format

Step 2
Go online.
Look for a lesson plan that has some relevance to what you will be teaching.

Step 3
Cry some more.
After hours of trolling through pages and pages of results and visiting thousands of EFL websites it has been made painfully clear that the grammar point you have to teach is either a minuscule part of a large ass lesson OR it taught at beginner level...and would be difficult to adapt for advanced students.

Step 4.
Give up on the internet. Go back to the textbook.
Look at the pages of reference and think. "Right....I have 50 minutes to kill with this stupid grammar point...what can I do to make the lesson informative?"
crying is optional

Step 5
Try to think of an aim
Will the students USE the grammar point in freer practice later? Are they learning something new?

Step 6
Once you've decided that the grammar point is in fact taught at lower levels so therefore they MUST have been taught it previously, dedicate 10 minutes at the end of the lesson for students to use the point in a freer practices (just to show off that they can)

Step 7
Right, 10 minutes are sorted. 40 more to go.
How are we going to introduce the topic? I KNOW! Test to see how much they know! Maybe some sentence correction at the beginning to trigger some thoughts of previous lessons where they were taught about the grammar point.
It shouldn't take too long...let's say 1 minute discussion, 2 minutes feedback (correction). Maybe get the students to correct their answers...this way you can chill out at the back...ohh nice idea~

Step 8
Now the topic has been introduced indirectly...let's do a revision!
The students can discuss what they already know about the grammar point. Get them to chat for a bit and then do a group feedback.
maybe....8 minutes to discuss and feedback?

Step 9
Now we can feed them the correct information.
Go through the general rules of the grammar point. Maybe ask a few questions to help hammer it home. If the students are advanced they'll know the answers....we hope.
Let's say it takes 6 minutes.

Step 10
How much time has gone? around 25 mins? COOL!! half way! Now it's time to get some practice in.  How much did they listen to you? Throw some activities at them~
Maybe a "select the appropriate one" task?
Dont forget to feeedback!

Step 11
How about finding a short text with a butt load of examples of the grammar point? remove all the examples and replace with empty spaces~

Step 12
Introduce the topic of the text if needed...I do because it's nice ^^

Step 13
Make them fill the gaps. MAKE THEMMMMM
dont forget correction~

Step 14
Now we have like 10 minutes left! Let's do that 10 minute writing activity, walk around and correct any mistakes (spelling grammar and what not)...if you have time at the end get some students to read their piece out.

wow...so visual
Step 15
Thank the students for coming to your lesson. Be professional even if you're dying on the inside. They smell fear.

Step 16
Once they've gone, now you can collapse, sob loudly and hope to god you get positive feedback.

Step 17
Repeat the next week with a different topic.

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